Koremen Press Release - CHOICE Provider for LifeSpan and LifeTime
Koremen LLC is pleased to announce that we have begun operations as a CHOICE Waiver provider with LifeTime, out of Dillsboro, and LifeSpan, out of New Albany. We will be providing specifications and inspection services, similar to what we currently do for the Aged and Disabled Waiver. If any other Area Agency on Aging (AAA) across Indiana is interested in this service, please give us a call.
Koremen LLC operates across the state of Indiana and is a Home Modification Assessment provider for the Aged and Disabled Waiver and for anyone interested in an home modification evaluation. Our services include creation of the Bid Packet (SPEC), which your organization may use to solicit Home Modification bids from contractors, Final Inspection (EXAM), which indicates clearly to the client, the contractor, and the Care Manager that the job is complete, and our Home Safety and Access Evaluation for those that are not eligible through the Medicaid waiver.
For more information about Koremen, please download our brochure.